These diaristic reflections on watching and waiting write with images through an electronic ink screen. They straddle an experiential world of immediate sensation, and a detached realm of quiet reflection.
An iteration of the project was presented at Speculum arts festival in Slovenia in September of 2021.
Materials: 19 x 14 cm E-ink reader and gooseneck iPad stand.
May 2020
January - February 2021
August 2022
The images created by electronically choreographed points of ink are neither pure impressions as remembered by the mind of the narrator and committed to paper, nor are they completely imaginary fabrications or aberrations of technology. This diarist wants to reconnect with the world of people and things. Yet their desire for it, their textualizing of it, prevents them from experiencing it through touch, sight, and sound. They see through images as much as their eyes.